Dance double-bill: MOD and Match Point

Rebecca Evanne / Melina Ioannidou

A double-bill of contemporary dance performances with one local performer and a visiting group from Cyprus.

by Rebecca Evanne

This show is about facing your fears and the courage it takes to do that.

It takes courage to let the body feel everything it needs to feel. It takes courage to let the body stay in those feelings until your mind can make sense of them, let the thoughts become clear and ask yourself the necessary questions to move forward.
We need the courage and the questions to let us;
Dare to change a point of view.
Dare to set bounderies.
Dare to be uncomfortable.
Dare to really meet another person.
Dare to be right, wrong and not to know.
Dare to be able to change, to be kind and empathetic.

I wish for us to meet our fears but not to be controlled by them.
I wish for us to be guided by courage.
Because if we dare to dare we gain so incredibly much.

by Melina Ioannidou

Tennis has been a big chapter of my life since I held second place in the ranking order in Cyprus, in several championships during my adolescence. From the age of 7, my life was divided between tennis and dancing. Countless hours in training for both.
Combining them on stage was a long-standing desire since I saw the movements and techniques of tennis as highly danceable.

The challenge was to combine the movement material of the two disciplines in a contemporary way with a humoristic approach, in contrast to the extremely stressful reality of a match point, the plethora of emotions and intensity that characterizes the moment, where a single point determines the game.
Genre: Dance
Duration: 70 mins
Price: 180 kr

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